
What does Time mean for you?

One Sunday in 2015, my 2 youngest children (8 and 11 years old) are behind me and observe me in silence while I paint my first paintings on the theme of Time, the one that passes, sometimes stops and spins again at the pace that we impose on it.
I then suggest that they write and draw on a sheet of paper what “Time” represents to them. The result of their reflection amazes me … amazes me to be more true.

The next morning, I decide to accompany them to school in order to suggest to their principal to submit this question to students who are of the same age. Being passionate by nature, she accepts. Three classes will respond: CE2, CM1 and CM2. The result is also astonishing.


The idea of making a book sprang up at that moment. A book of testimonies where the reader will want to answer or ask this question around him, in turn.

A book that he can leave open at any page and which can be considered both an art book (from Classic to Contemporary to Naive) and of universal philosophy.
In order to get the answers, he takes me around the world, getting off the metro where Time can be interpreted as desired, discussing with firefighters, health professionals such as hypnotherapists for whom Time is important in Ericksonian therapy, doctors, nurses, priests, rabbis, imams, questioning Buddhist monks, entering into meditation in order to understand myself and finally to collect everyone’s ideas.

This book called “WHAT DOES TIME MEAN FOR YOU?” was published in January 2021 in Saint-Honoré éditions, and is available for  online purchase (Amazon, Fnac, Chapitre, Decitre, Cultura, Les Libraires) and in bookstores.

In exclusivity, a few pages below:

Pieces of my history

If you want to know a little more about my history and my background, it’s here:

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